What can Massage Therapy treat?
February 11, 2013
- asthma
- arthritis
- baby massage
- back pain
- buergers’ disease
- bursitis
- cancer
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- cerebral palsy
- child massage
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- chronic edema
- chronic pain
- compression syndromes
- contusions
- contractures
- cramps
- depression/grieving process
- degenerative disc disease
- diabetes
- digestive complaints/ constipation
- dislocations
- dupuytrens’ contracture
- dysmennorhea
- edema
- emphysema
- fibromyalgia/ chronic fatigue
- fibrositic breast pain, breast injuries, congestion and swelling
- fibrositis and fibrosis
- foot/plantar fasciitis/ples planus – flat foot fractures
- frozen shoulder
- gout
- headache fibrositic/ migraine
- hemiplegia
- herniated disc
- hypertension
- iliotibial band contracture
- insomnia
- jaw pain/TMJ
- knee injury
- low Back Pain
- lymphatic disorders
- mesothelioma
- multiple sclerosis
- muscle spasms/ strain rehabilitation
- muscular dystrophy
- neck pain/ torticollis
- neuralgia / neuritis
- osteoarthritis/ rheumatoid arthritis
- osteoporosis
- palliative care
- paralysis
- parkinsons
- pes planus
- plantar fasciitis
- poliomyelitis & post polio syndrome
- postural disorders / scoliosis
- pregnancy discomforts/ pre and post natal
- pre / post-surgical and post-injury rehabilitation
- period pain/ dysmenorrhoea/ dysmenorrhea
- prevention/ lessening of fibrosis raynaud’s disease
- relaxation
- relief of pain
- repetitive strain injuries
- respiratory problems (such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema)
- scars
- sciatica/ neuralgia spastic paralysis
- sports injuries
- sprains/strains / ligament and joint athletic injuries
- stiff joints
- stress related disorders
- tendonitis/ bursitis/neuritis
- thoracic outlet syndrome
- whiplash disorders WAD
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