The tongue is a map of the body. It reflects the general health of the organs and meridians. Your acupuncturist will look at the color, shape, cracks and coating on your tongue.
- Holistic Alternativesat Essentials Day Spa
34302 US Hwy 19 N
Palm Harbor, FL 34684 Appointments @Essentials Day Spa:
(727) 474-3103Text/Call Robert:
(631) 232-7978Palm Harbor Hours
Mon-Fri10am to 8pmSat10am to 6pmSun10am to 4pm
- Holistic Alternativesat Contour Fitness
34310/34314 US 19 S
Palm Harbor, FL 34684 - New Patient Clinic FormsPlease print & fill out our clinic forms to speed up your intake process during your 1st visit.